Reinholdt Boll Prospekt av Lillehammer (1860-tallet), Jørn Hagen / Lillehammer Kunstmuseum

Lillehammer Art Trail

A different kind of "treasure hunt" that shows you where the Lillehammer Painters got the inspiration for their motifts.

The art trail is currently under maintenance. We will provide updates as soon as it is back to normal operation.


This art trail takes you to a Lillehammer seen through the eyes of the Lillehammer Painters. From the end of the 1800's the city was a favoured spot among Norwegian artists. Here they found motifs that piqued their interest and led to some of them settling down here permanently, while others returned year after year. 

Insight into 19th- and 20th century Lillehammer

Through paintings and photographs, from private and public collections, Lillehammer Art Walk presents Lillehammer in the 18- and 1900's. Copies of the paintings are presented where they were originally painted, or where the buildings in the paintings have been moved to. On the art plaques you can also find a little information and a QR code. By scanning the latter you are taken to a webpage with more information (remember to click "språkinnstillinger" in the drop-down menu to choose "English").

Art has a unique ability to show us new sides of our surroundings and make us see the landscape and the city around us in a different light. The Lillehammer Art Walk can give insight into this small city's rich history and cultural life.

Where are the plaques?

The plaques are scattered throughout the centre of town. They are numbered but don't have to be viewed in any particular order; you can decide on the route you want to go.


You can download the map digitally, or if you would like to have a physical copy you can pick one up for free in the museum store at Lillehammer Art Museum or at Maihaugen.


NB! If you have trouble with any of the QR-codes, you can also find an overview of all the works here.



"Following the Lillehammer Painters" is a collaboration between Stiftelsen Lillehammer museum, Lillehammer kommune, Lillehammer Sentrum Drift and Oppland fylkeskommune.